Globalization of injustice and greed

nooresiddiqui Noore Alam Siddiqui

AUGUST 03, 2016:   DAILY SUN

today’sworld has become the most vulnerable than ever in terms of personal safety, security, humanity, social justice, tolerance, environmental pollution, communal harmony and racial harmony. The world has already been reduced to a global village literally. Simultaneously many other things have also been globalized, such as terrorism, fundamentalism, extremism, corporate colonialism, injustice and greediness. Every important event that happens in a particular country concerns more or less the whole world.

Despite barriers of visas and strict frontiers millions of people all over the world are moving, exploring the world business, labor and service market and various tourist destinations for recreation. A recent survey conducted in some countries says, a significant number of people would like to think themselves as global citizens.

Each and every product, services have become multi national origin. All the parts of an electronic device, automobiles are not produced in a single country and services provided by a company are rendered by the staffs and CEOs of different countries from various cultural and ethnic background.

Dominating over the weak and under privileged is one of the most primitive human natures. In this globalized world that can be done substantially and very effectively. Basic human rights, upholding rights on own property have been violated very much tactfully in the name of business, combating terrorism and the thriving power of corporate colonialism.

This is also obvious that the rich countries are very much resolute and desperate in defending their economic interest, political influence, military might all over the world at any cost. In order to implement their dominion and influence they demonstrate the arms power, invest huge money on arms race, sometimes they apply their powerful intelligence network and most effectively try to gain full control over the dissidents or some collaborators through providing them with money and other facilities and recruit them for implementing their agenda in their targeted land, people and various natural resources.

For implementing all of those agenda the super powers are using poverty and conflict as the most effective tools. If poverty keeps sustaining and conflict keeps lingering then it becomes very easy to take control over a territory, its politics, all natural resources and inevitably arms business continues to boost. But in this way morality is being degraded, injustices are being patronized and institutionalized. Demand for justice and demand for the legal ownership of wealth have become just a crying in the wilderness.

Each and every part of the world has now become unsafe. From Paris to London, Brussels to New York, Dhaka to Delhi, in every places we can not say confidently that we are in a safe zone. And most of the people must agree that this situation has not been created overnight. This has been created as the by product of oppression, wrong interpretation of religious scripts, deprivation, immoral corporate colonialism, hyper capitalism and endless consumerism.

So in order to make this world a peaceful planet as well as to restore peace the rich, influential and dominating countries of the world should revise their policies, should give emphasis on tolerance, should be moderate in consumption, should give up extreme greediness, should respect to legal demand of oppressed people, should establish the right of their own property so that they could be benefited from the resources of their own country. The rich countries should also export, liberalism, freedom of speech and rule of law prevailing in their own countries to the other countries in order to stop the export of terrorism, extremism and militancy from those countries where practicing liberalism, freedom of speech and rule of law is not so easy due to various social, economic and political reasons. And only then we can make our planet green in every respect.

© Copyright:  Reserved by the writer (Noore Alam Siddiqui)

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